The first buildings for Killarney State School were completed 16 July 1874 after many years of planning. However it was not until the end of July that the first Head Teacher, Henry Martyn Gwyther, was officially appointed. The first official roll call did not occur until 17 August 1874 with on average 29 students attending throughout the year.
In 1886, extensions were completed and in 1895 a play shed erected to house a quickly growing student population. By 1923, 300 students were enrolled in the school.

A Rural School was opened in 1929 after extensive lobbying by the Country Women’s Association. In this new type of vocational school, boys were taught manual skills, elementary agriculture and farm management, while girls were taught home management and needlework skills. The Rural School remained an important part of education in Killarney until 1963.
In 1964 a Secondary Department with a staff of 5 and an enrolment of 71 was incorporated into the school complex and students were able to complete their education to Year 10.
In 1974, Preschool was a major addition to the growing complex of the school with the single unit preschool being opening in 1975.
The school and its history are very much part of the Killarney community. It is the hundreds of teachers over the years that have assisted in shaping the destiny of the thousands of children who have attended the school. It is the parents who have supported their children’s school with loyalty and pride that have built the wonderful school we have today. Many thanks for your part in continuing the history of Killarney State School.