Killarney P-10 State School is a facility with a Prep program, Years 1 - 7 Primary and Years 8 - 10 Secondary. The campus provides the opportunity for students to complete their schooling on one setting.
The teaching staff is experienced and with little turnover. About half of the staff live in the Killarney area, whilst the others commute daily from the Warwick area.
Our school offers a range of quality curriculum programs adapted to the needs and interest of our students.
It is our belief that education is the responsibility of both teachers and parents. Therefore we ask parents to form a partnership with us so that your child can develop trusting relationships with adults who care about their welfare. Such partnerships will help realise our goal that the children of this school will develop positive attitudes towards lifelong learning to assist them to become active citizens in community, economic and political life.
Today, the school endeavours to follow its traditions, whilst accommodating the changes demanded as globally, we are in transit from an Industrial to an Information Technology Society. It is fortunate in having a staff of dedicated teachers, aides and administration, solid parental interest and backing, a body of quality students, and a community which concerns itself with providing a positive and supportive educational environment.
Killarney P-10 State School has a supportive Parents and Citizen's Association, which meets on the fourth Tuesday night of the month, at the school. They ensure our school is very well resourced, being involved in the budget design for the school as well as fundraising through its own activities. The school P&C allows all parents / guardians the opportunity to become actively involved in their child’s education. All parents/guardians may become members of our P & C and are encouraged to do so.
Killarney P-10 State School actively encourages parental involvement across all facets of school life. Classes enjoy parent helpers who assist with reading, writing, art, sporting (athletics & swimming carnivals, sports coaching) and extracurricular activities to name a few.
Parents are also actively encouraged to maintain close contact with their child’s teacher through a variety of communication modes, and attend all reporting events and information evenings.